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A beautiful world - a note about Ukraine

I am not a person who watches the news.  But I have been glued to it for the last two days watching Ukrainian women and children leave their country and men behind to fight an uncertain war against an unpredictable invasion with inadequate resources.   The images haunt me even when I'm not parked in front of the television.  Women putting on brave faces for their children; Men vowing to stand and fight holding back tears as they walk away from their families; Children, in all their innocence, following the adults obediently and silently.  I am struck by the universality of coping.  Their actions being the exact opposite of what I know they are feeling.  And I am heartbreakingly in awe of their strength.   Every day we wake up to our same old, mundane seeming lives and we go about our same old, mundane seeming business without so much as blinking at the luxury of it all.  The warm bed upon which we've slept.  The hot water flowing fr...

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